you add text to any page, it is done with the Text/HTML asset editor.
As you enter text and make your style selections, such as bolding,
coloring, spacing, etc., HTML code is be generated in the background.
Web browsers read HTML and follow the instructions it contains to format
the text as specified.
HINT: You can
globally set the font style for all your pages in one place and do NOT
have to style your text on a page by page basis. Learn how here.
When pasting text
created in Microsoft Word or some other text editor all your formatting
will be stripped away so that only raw text is pasted in to the editor.
You will then need to apply your links, styles, formatting, etc to the
document. You should avoid problems by following these simple instructions:
- Apply multiple styles to selected text at once, for example, if
you want to bold and italicize something, perform both actions before
deselecting the text
- If you want to change the size or font or both of all the text,
this should be the first action performed before making any other style
- Try to style everything in one go before pressing the green Update button as more passes creates more complex HTML
generating HTML is a complex matter, sometimes the editor gets confused
and writes bad HTML which can cause the following problems:
- You will not be able to apply or remove styles such as bolding either before or after an update
- Custom scroll bars will not work and/or cause javascript errors in Internet Explorer
- Javascript warnings will appear as you try to load or edit the text either in your website or via the administration website
Should the above occur, please perform the following to correct the problem:
- Select all the text content using the Select All button
- Press the Clear Format button (eraser icon) to strip away the HTML
- Press the green Update button to save your changes
- Test to see if the error still occurs
If no error occurs then proceed with re-applying your styles, etc. as per the suggestions above
If the error persists:
- You will need to copy and paste your text to a text editing program to save your work
- Click the Source button in the HTML editor to switch to the HTML view
- Press the Select All button and delete everything
- Click the Source button once more to switch back to normal view mode
- Paste your text from the other text editing software - when pasted it should contain no styling
- Test to see if the error still occurs
If no error occurs then proceed with re-applying your styles, etc. as per the suggestions above
Article ID: 21, Created: September 25, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Modified: September 21, 2010 at 9:53 PM