Whenever you get the following email error,
Mailbox size limit
exceeded, this indicates that your mailbox is full on our email
server and you need to delete the messages off the server to make more
space. The easiest way to do this is to log-in via webmail here: http://webmail.bigblackbag.com and then delete the messages from your
junk and then the
deleted items folders.
To keep the server from filling up in the future, we recommend that you
use your computer's email software (MacMail, Outlook, Thunderbird) to
send and receive email from our server, instead of using web mail
exclusively. Make sure that the preferences are set to automatically
delete messages from the server that it downloads to your local
computer. You can set it to do so right away, or some time in the
future. One week is a reasonable amount of time to leave a message on
the server. This way you can check messages on the road via web mail up
to a week after your computer's email client downloaded it.
Another benefits to using your computer's email software are:
- you get a downloaded copy of your emails so you have a backup
which makes for easy recovery if necessary
- you have an added layer of spam and virus protection from your
email software's own tools
Article ID: 44, Created: June 7, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Modified: June 7, 2010 at 12:49 PM