Why does my file size appear larger after I upload it?
One of the great features BigBlackBag offers is automatic file sizing. You upload one file, and our system will make all the various copies it requires to display your image as big as possible under the conditions you have created for your galleries. For example, in one gallery you may choose to show thumbnails and in another you may choose to hide them. In either case, the amount of available space is not the same, so in order to maximize your image's size, we need to create copies for either instance. In fact, there are many different combinations, when you consider the image's own dimensions, supersize, whether the thumbnails run horizontally or vertically, etc.
Why are some sizes so much bigger than others?
We may need to make as many as 12 different file sizes, but 7 files is the average. We do not duplicate files of the same size.
Why can't you just resize the files on the fly to conserve my disk space?
We could, however this process is much slower than using files that are ready to go. If you upload an 2 megabyte original, then the server, like Photoshop, has to open the big file, re-size it, then stream it to the browser. We believe the speed increase for your end user is more important than the disk space trade-off.
Article ID: 22, Created: October 8, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Modified: October 8, 2009 at 7:46 PM